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Dexolac stage 4 (18 - 24 Months)

Product Of Nutricia International Pvt Ltd

  • Enriched with Choline
  • Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acids
  • Iodine and Iron
  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium

Pack of 1 baby food


MRP ₹410.00

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*MRP inclusive of all taxes

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All Details About Dexolac stage 4 (18 - 24 Months)

Find out detailed description, uses, directions of use, side effects, warnings and precautions, frequently asked questions about Dexolac stage 4 (18 - 24 Months)


Dexolac Stage 4 formula is a beneficial milk substitute powder that can be given to babies after they become a year old. Rich in nutrients, the baby food powder helps with better physical growth. The formula is energizing and contains protein which is important for development. With many nutrients such as Vitamin D, Magnesium, Calcium and Iron, the formula supports bone growth, making the soft bones of your baby strong and resilient. It also has whey proteins, which make digestion easier and helps with gas. Dexolac has been making nutritional baby formula for many years and has been an active part of the Indian market for almost 30 years. A wide variety of baby formula is available in this brand, which is scientifically formulated and will promote healthy growth in your baby.


  • Dexolac 4 has milk fat along with B Palmitate, which provides the body with energy and improves calcium absorption.
  • Dexolac milk formula contains protein, which helps the growth.
  • The formula is rich in Vitamin D, Magnesium, Calcium and Phosphorous, which make bones strong and healthy.
  • It is also iron-fortified, effectively meeting the child's daily needs.
  • Whey proteins present in the formula help with easier digestion.

Directions For Use:

  • Open the Dexolac 4 refill pack and empty it into a clean and dry container. Make sure that the container is airtight.
  • Store the container in a place that is cool and dry.
  • Use all the contents of the refill pack within 3 weeks of opening it, or its expiry date, whichever date comes first.

Side Effects:

Warning & Precautions:

  • Only use boiled water and sterilized utensils to feed the baby. Water that is not boiled and utensils that are unsterilized can affect the health of the child.
  • At a time, prepare one feed only. Make sure to feed your child under half an hour after the preparation of the formula.
  • Discard feed that is left and make fresh when you feed your baby next.
  • Consult your baby’s doctor and know the right quantity and method of making the formula to benefit the most.
  • Avoid using more than the recommended scoops at a time, as this will result in a more concentrated feed, and your baby will not get the required amount of water that the body needs.
  • Avoid using less than recommended scoops per feed, as diluted formulae will not give your child enough nutrition.


Q1. Does Dexolac sell formulas for children below 1 year?
A: Yes, the Dexolac milk formula is available in the 1-4 year stage. Stage 1 is for newborn up to 6 months and so on.

Q2. What is the quantity of formula that should be given?
A: Read the instructions on the label or consult your child’s doctor to know the right quantity per feed.

Q3. Is Dexolac baby food healthy?
A: Yes, the milk substitute contains 36 nutrients that promote growth and development in babies.


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